How do I reference Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen.AI)

1 min. readlast update: 11.06.2024

You should provide focused referencing for each instance of text use that was Gen.AI assisted and you must use quotation marks as well as a number reference if citing material verbatim.

Numbers should be used in the text to refer to your footnotes at the foot of each page, for example:

The three lines of defence model has come under considerable criticism due to its limitations and the assumption that there are only three distinct lines of defence.[1]

The following format should be used for each numbered reference:

Author of the AI tool used, the AI tool used, Day, Month, Year accessed/generated. (see below for a footnote example). 

The normal use of ibid. as required in footnote referencing applies for repeat uses of the same reference. 

[1] Open AI, ChatGPT version 3, Accessed 22 October 2024

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